A Beginner’s Guide | Painting & Airbrushing Tabletop Miniatures


So you have your miniature models assembled and you’re ready to start painting, Aye? The first paint layer will be a primer coat. A primer is mainly used to provide a stable surface to paint on top of. It helps the paint stick to the model, but it can also double as a base layer! The color of the primer can really effect the look of the layers of paint on top of it.  It takes some trial and error to understand this on an expert level.  As a beginner you don’t really need to worry about this too much.  The quickest and easiest way to get started is to use a simple color scheme, then find a primer that can act as a base layer for that color scheme.

There are acrylic primer sprays available in a wide variety of colors. These can be a good way to apply a primer and base coat at the same time.  You can also apply primers with a traditional brush or even with an airbrush. Either way you may need to water down your primer a bit. One of my favorite primers to use with an airbrush is Vallejo’s Surface Primer.

If your applying a combo primer and base coat, your goal should be to get a coat that provides full coverage while being as thin as possible.  If It’s just a primer coat, full coverage isn’t necessary (It’s okay if some of the plastic is showing). The following base coat should cover up the plastic though.  

Note: Picking a neutral-colored primer will make your base coat really pop!


When I got into the hobby a few years ago I bought the Army Painter Mega Paint Set. This has been a great investment for me and I highly recommend this set. You get a nice variety of quality paints, washes and metallic paints (As well as a bonus brush!). I’ve painted thousands of points worth of Citadel plastic since then and still have a ton of paint left. The Mega Set is a good value if you are just starting out and you know you will need a lot of colors.

I suggest getting a large paint set initially. Then you won’t be constantly buying specific paints one at a time. In this hobby, buying in bulk will save you a lot of money.

If you’re trying to save some money you could get a smaller set with the basic colors and mix your own colors, but in my opinion that will end up wasting more paint in the long run and eats of time you could be painting. It’s nice to have a lot of color options ready to go.  Occasionally, I do mix colors to lighten or darken a color.


The Army Painter Mega Paint Set comes with a decent variety of washes.  These are great for beginners.  Citadel has several great washes as well.  A good wash can make a mediocre paint job look pro. Please don’t skip this step! 

Note: You want to use a wash that compliments the color it’s going over. This adds depth and ties the paint job together.

In my opinion, it isn’t cost effective to buy small bottles of wash for larger projects. That’s why I mix my own washes! If you are interested in mixing your own washes there are a lot of recipes online. I like to use some variation of the following:

A bottle of wash, used selectively, can go a pretty long way so I don’t feel like you need to start mixing your own washes right off the bat. Try some premixed ones first. This will give you a good idea of what a wash is suppose to look like.


I got into airbrushing pretty early in my miniature painting career because I already had one!  Airbrushing can be a real time saver and it’s great for blending colors.  If you are new to airbrushing you can pick up a cheap one for less than $50.  That will teach you a lot about what features you prefer. The cheap airbrush might end up being your go to airbrush.

Note: If you are just using the airbrush for priming and base coating you don’t need an expensive one.

An airbrush is not a necessary hobby tool, so don’t feel like you need to get one immediately.  They require a lot of things to get set up. You will need an air compressor,  air hoses, a moisture filter, cleaning fluid & brushes, etc. There are a lot of good starter kits available with everything you need.

Note: You can use regular paint in airbrushes. You just need to water it down a bit.

Top Coat

A lacquer or varnish top coat will help protect your paint job. Some people apply varnish in between coats of paint to keep them from mixing with each other or to make it easier to remove a layer of paint if it doesn’t quite look right.

I apply a topcoat when I am finished painting a model, base and all.   For a top coat I use Testors Dullcote. For a glossy sheen Testors Glosscote works well too. 

Note: Applying gloss lacquer selectively with a brush can make things appear to be wet.

Always be sure to test your top coat before applying it to a finished model just to be safe.